BP2IP orders miniature of LNG Carrier at Miniaturindo. Miniaturindo made miniature scale model with very detailed.
BP2IP is the only one state Merchant Marine Academy. From 1982 to 1990, Balai Pendidikan dan Latihan Pelayaran (BPLP) Surabaya (Surabaya Merchant Marine Academy) under administration of BPLP Semarang (Semarang Merchant Marine Academy), conducts Strata A Programme (Diploma III).
In 1990 to 2002, Balai Pendidikan dan Latihan Pelayaran Dasar (BPLPD) Surabaya (Surabaya Rating School) based on the Minister Decree (KM : No. 33 Tahun 1990).
2002 up to now, Balai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Ilmu Pelayaran (BP2IP) Surabaya (Surabaya Merchant Marine School) based on the Minister Decree (KM : No. 76 Tahun 2002), and renewed by the Minister Decree (KM : No. 45 Tahun 2003).
Vision of Surabaya Merchant Marine School
To Produce Professional Seafarers
Vision of Surabaya Merchant Marine School
1. Planning and development of Education and Training methods and programmes.
2. Execution of the Education and Training based on the Nasional as well as International Standards consistently.
3. Oriented to fulfill customer satisfaction and trust.
You can order your own at Miniaturindo. Miniaturindo only give the best for our client.
BP2IP orders miniature of LNG CARRIER
Miniaturindo tayang di Metro TV - Buletin Jatim
Hari minggu, 13 Desember 2009 wartawan Metro TV mendatangi kantor Miniaturindo yang terletak di Jl. Jaksa Agung R. Suprapto No. 25 Sidoarjo. Selama kurang lebih satu jam, wartawan Metro TV telah meliput proses produksi yang dipraktekkan oleh dua tim produksi dan mewawancarai salah satu pemilik Miniaturindo, yaitu Bapak Lazuardi A Mahendra.
Dalam pembuatan miniatur berskala memang dibutuhkan ketrampilan dan ketelitian. Karena banyak detil-detil yang harus diperhatikan untuk menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas. Meski masih sedikit kompetitor dalam usaha pembuatan miniatur berskala ini, Miniaturindo tidak lantas puas dengan produk yang dihasilkan. Dengan tetap meningkatkan kualitas dan inovasi dari waktu ke waktu, Miniaturindo telah berhasil melayani pesanan dari luar negeri seperti Arab Saudi, Iran, Norwegia dan Jepang.
Ke depannya, Miniaturindo ingin menjadi yang terbaik dalam pembuatan miniatur berskala, seperti Visi yang hingga kini diembannya, yaitu "World Masterpiece Scale Model".
Hasil liputan wartawan Metro TV ditampilkan di Buletin Jatim pada hari Senin, 14 Desember 2009
PT. PAL orders miniature for launching Landing Platform Dock

PT PAL INDONESIA (PERSERO), was established by the Netherlands’s government in 1939 under its original name of MARINA ship docking. The Company was renamed Kaigun SE 2124 while under the colonial governance of Japan. After Independence Day, the Indonesian Government nationalized the colonial Company and renamed it Penataran Angkatan Laut (PAL). On April 15, 1980, the status of the Company was changed from a Public Company (Perusahaan Umum) to a Limited Company (Perseroan Terbatas) in accordance with notary deed No.12 of Hadi Moentoro, SH.
The factory is located at Ujung, Surabaya and the main activities of the Company are the manufacturing of naval and merchant ship, docking repairs and maintenance, and general engineering based on job orders.
The distinguished reengineering ability of PT PAL INDONESIA (Persero) has entered the world market and the quality is renowned worldwide. Ships produced in PT PAL INDONESIA (Persero) are now sailing the seas all over the world.

Photo above was taken at the time of delivery miniature by Mr. Lazuardi A Mahendra (right) as the owner of miniaturindo.com to Mr. Bayu (left) one of Manager PT. PAL INDONESIA (Persero).
Oil Jetty Miniature of Parto Tadbir Pars Company from Iran
• Building Structures
• Marine Oil Terminals
• Mooring and Breasting System Analysis
• Cargo and Container Marine Terminals
• Offshore Production Platforms
• Onshore Refinery and Petrochemical Plants
• Sea Water Intakes and Outfalls
Oil Jetty model
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Tuna Longliner's Ship Model ordered by The Author of Maritime Magazine
Fishing Vessel,
Ship Model
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PT Timah Tbk orders Suction Dredge Vessels
Suction Dredge vessel
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Phinisi Nusantara
Tall Ship
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Miniaturindo's Model in Iran Oil & Gas Exhibition - May 2009
DCP Ordered Bridge & Tower For Indonesian Industry Ministry
PT. Duta Cipta Pakarperkasa Ordered Bridge & Tower model for ceremony giftset for Indonesian Industry Ministry Mr. Fahmi Idris on May 28th, 2009, in Surabaya.
ANDA kah pemenangnya?
Dear Miniaturindo lovers,
Terima kasih banyak atas antusiasme rekan-rekan berpartisipasi mengikuti quiz yang kami selenggarakan sehubungan dengan penayangan miniaturindo di "Cita-Citaku" TRANS7.
Sebelumnya kami, atas nama Manajemen Miniaturindo, mohon maaf atas keterlambatan pengundian pemenang Quiz, berkenaan dengan ketatnya date line pengiriman pesanan dari Liquiline - Norway.
Peserta tersebar dari pulau Sumatra, Jawa, Kalimantan & Sulawesi. Peserta termuda berusia 7 tahun bernama Galih Mahastra Adhikararaksaka dari Tangerang.
Peserta paling bersemangat adalah Moh Ainun Najib, yang mengirimkan jawaban lebih dari 6 email dengan waktu yang berbeda-beda.
Yang menarik adalah ada peserta yang telah mengirimkan jawaban Quiz beberapa jam sebelum penayangan di TRANS7 dan jawabannya benar.
Berikut foto-foto pengundian pemenang. Semoga Anda yang terpilih.............
Selamat kepada pemenang Quiz, Bapak Ganes Setiawan, Karangpawitan, Karawang,JABAR. Hadiah Souvenir model Kapal senilai Rp. 500.000 akan kami kirimkan ke alamat Anda.
Bagi peserta yang belum beruntung kami akan mengirimkan catalog produk lengkap dengan foto-foto produk andalan kami.
Samsul Bakhtiar
Quiz berhadiah tayangan MINIATURINDO di TRANS 7 "Cita-citaku" 17 April 2008
Anda ingin tahu cara pembuatan maket kapal..... ? Saksikan acara " Cita-citaku" di Trans 7 tanggal 17 April 2009 pukul 14.00 Wib, dan dapatkan souvenir maket kapal perang seharga Rp.500.000,- dengan menjawab pertanyaan berikut :
Di Selat manakah syuting dilakukan...... ?
pilih jawaban berikut :
B). Selat Madura
Kirimkan jawaban anda via email ke miniaturindo@gmail.com lengkap dengan : Nama, Alamat, No. Hp, Paling lambat tanggal 19 April 2009 Pukul 00.00 WIB.
Photo-photo ketika pengambilan gambar
Container Vessel Scale Model Ordered By NAMSUNG SHIPPING
NAMSUNG SHIPPING ordered Container Vessel " Liberty Star" Scale Model

Light On

Currently, Namsung operates 14 owned vessels and an array of chartered ones, with highly skilled staff totaling 300 people. Looking forward to a prosperous future in Korean shipping industry, all employees are committed to offering the highest level of customer satisfaction through the efficient and sound management of the company. |
Ferry Aluminium 1M Scale Model

PT. Palindo is shipyard with long time experiences in design and production of Fiberglass and Aluminum boats. PT. Palindo first yard with 20.000 m2 areas is located in Tanjung pinang, the capital city of Province Riau Archipelago, Indonesia.