Pacific three tugboat

Written by MINIATURINDO on November 25, 2010 at 10:27 PM

Picture bellow are miniature of Pacific three tugboat, made by miniaturindo order from Cahaya Samudra Shipping

Technical details for this ship is :

L.O.A 33.70 M

L.B.P 29.60 M

BEAM MLD 10.60 M




Patria 3 Tugboat

Written by MINIATURINDO on November 24, 2010 at 10:27 PM

Pictured above is a miniature of Tugboat Patira 3. This ship has its original length, 26 Meter, Speed Knots 10:00, using the main engine YANMAR 6AYM 2x-ETE - 829 PS / 1900 RPM EAC.

Thumbnail Patria Tugboat above is made by Miniaturindo in order of STARINDO CAPRICORN SHIPPING Pte. Ltd. Singapore

System for IMagery and BAthymetry (Simba ) Survey vessel

Written by MINIATURINDO on at 5:50 PM

A survey vessel is any type of ship or boat that is used for mapping. It is a type of research vessel.The task of survey vessels is to map the bottom, benthic zone, full water column, and surface for the purpose of:

* hydrography
* general oceanography
* marine habitats
* salvage
* dredging

Survey equipment

Typically, modern survey vessels are equipped with one or more of the following equipment:

* GPS positioning and logging
* single beam sonar
* multibeam sonar
* Side-scan sonar
* towed magnetometer
* subsurface profiler
* grab sampler
* bottom coring device
* Inertial Measurement Unit

Picture above is a survey vessel miniature called SIMBA made by miniatuindo, ship model and offshore miniature specialist

USV (unmanned surface vessel / vehicle)

Written by MINIATURINDO on November 21, 2010 at 10:18 PM

Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV or unmanned surface vehicle) is a watercraft vessel. The boat is generally has 54’ in length and weighs just 8,000 lbs. Many USV is used to utilize a lightweight carbon-nanotube enhanced composite material called Arovex, which allows the watercraft to weigh "significantly less".

Additionally, the carbon-nanotubes actually provide a strength increase of 20-50% over traditional materials. With those characteristics, the USV is expected to be sold as a possible tool for anti-piracy, search and rescue, submarine hunting, and harbor patrol. Armament options include stabilized machine guns, Mark 54 torpedoes, and over-the-horizon missiles.

Pictured above is a USV ship miniature made by Miniaturindo on orders from the shipbuilding company PT PAL Surabaya

Selamat kepada pemenang QUIZ

Written by MINIATURINDO on November 11, 2010 at 11:39 PM

Hallo para pembaca, senang sekali kami akhirnya bisa mempostingkan pemenang QUIZ yang kami adakan minggu lalu.

Seharusnya pengumumannya hari senin, tapi karena kami ingin menampilkan juga hasil siaran MHTV yang kami upload di youtube, tapi karena satu dan lain hal belum berhasil kami upload.

Jadi sekaranglah kami umumnya, dari pertanyaan berapa tahunkan Miniaturindo berbisnis? jawaban yang benar adalah 13 thn. dan setelah kami evaluasi dan undi keluarlah nama:


Selamat, kepada Anda. Silahkan hadiah bisa diambil langsung di Kantor Miniaturindo.

Best regards,

Samsul Bakhtiar

Update Foto penyerahan Hadiah kepada pemenang Quiz

Selamat Kepada Bok. HERMAN SAPUTRA yang telah menerima hadiah dari miniaturindo.

Quiz Miniaturindo Live on MHTV

Written by MINIATURINDO on November 4, 2010 at 2:20 AM

Sobat sekalian, Miniaturindo berkesempatan diliput sekalian diundang Talk Show oleh MHTV Surabaya, hari Kamis, jam 19.00-20.00. MHTV dapat diikuti di channel 62 uhf Surabaya, Indovision channel 91, OK Vision channel 91 dan juga TOP TV channel 38.

Jangan lewatkan Quiz berhadiah menarik berupa
maket kapal selam Pasopati 410. Contohnya bisa dilihat di acara talk show.
Caranya dengan menyaksikan acara tersebut. Pertanyaan akan diberikan di akhir acara. Jawaban cukup di kirim melalui email ke alamat

Ok Sobat, kami tunggu sampai tanggal 7 Nopember 2010, Pengumuman tanggal 8 Nop.
Semoga ANDA yang menang.

Salam Sukses.

About Miniaturindo

Ship Model, Miniature Specialist

Jl. Jaksa Agung R Suprapto 25 Sidoarjo
- East Java - Indonesia